Snowbirds Articles

- Residency Requirements In BC, a recent court case highlighted the issue of maintaining provincial medical coverage while traveling outside of Canada.  A retired couple had spent a lot of their time visiting family in the Middle East from 2001 to 2010, and rarely used BC’s Medical Services...
bob's picture By Bob
- Travelling after Stent or Heart By-pass Surgery? For travelers with heart conditions, especially those who have had stent or by-pass surgery, obtaining adequate coverage from travel insurance is always a challenge.  Fortunately, we are still normally able to find insurance for these travelers...
bob's picture By Bob
- If you are a Canadian senior 60 or over who plans to spend more than a few weeks out of the country, you will normally be asked to fill in a questionnaire before purchasing seniors travel insurance.  Unfortunately, many seniors do not take adequate care when filling in these questionnaires,...
bob's picture By Bob
- TuGo's Quest Policy - Guaranteed Stability Insurance This post provides a closer look at the details of the Quest policy which offers the guaranteed stability rider for enhanced coverage. I had a detailed question just today (October 18th) from someone who had a recent consultation for their lung...
bob's picture By Bob
- Guaranteed coverage even for currently unstable medical conditions! TuGo's Quest travel insurance policy offers a 'guaranteed stability' option ($150,000 maximum coverage, at 40% extra cost) or an option to 'lock-in' coverage for stable pre-existing medical conditions (by choosing the 'future...
bob's picture By Bob
